Answers to Terror! Terror!
Thank You All for the excellent response to this quiz!I was initially worried that such an unconventional topic would yield very few responses.But i was in for a pleasant surprise!
Here are the answers and scores.
1."Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Quran its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief"slogan of Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya aka Islamic Resistance Movement.How is it more popularly known?
A:Hamas.Hamas is also supposed to be an Arabic word that denotes zeal or action
2.The name of this organisation literally means "bearer of the sword" in Arabic.It was reportedly founded when Aburajik Abubakar Janjalani broke away from the Moro Liberation Front.The gang specialises in kidnapping and extortion especially of US citizens.Identify.
A: Abu Sayyaf of Philippines.This is the group that was responsible for the kidnapping of a large number of Americans a few years ago.
3.The organisation takes its name from a maxim of José Carlos Mariátegui, founder of Peru's first communist party: "El Marxismo-Leninismo abrirá el ____ _______ hacia la revolución" (“Marxism-Leninism will open the ________ _______ to revolution”)Which organisation?
A:Shining Path founded by a University Professor named Abimael Guzman.The blank is "Sendero Luminoso" or "Shining Path".It was active in Peru.
4. .A student named Benno Ohnesorg was killed in police firing while attending a demonstration against the Shah of Iran.Andreas B. was the leader of a group of militant anarchists who went on a violent spree after this incident.After he was arrested and put on trial, a journalist named Ulrike M. wrote a series of articles sympathetic to their cause.One of her most powerful statements could be: "If one sets a car on fire, that is a criminal offence. If one sets hundreds of cars on fire, that is political action."Both Andreas and Ulrike supposedly committed suicide in prison (conspiracy theories say otherwise).Their organisation was called the Red Army Faction,but its popular name was derived from the surnames of these two individuals.Which organisation?
A:The individuals were Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhoff after whom the Baader-Meinhoff gang of Germany takes its name.You would find references to them in many novels,especially those with daring terror plots.
5.The organsiation first shot into limelight when four armed men operating in broad daylight and without the benefit of masks, shot dead the Jordanian Prime Minister, Wash Tel, as he returned to Cairo’s Sheraton Hotel from an Arab League meeting. The assassination itself was followed by a gruesome ritual as one of the killers knelt down, lapped up and drank some of Tel’s flowing blood and shouted several times that he and his accomplices belonged to ______ ______. The group then tried to assassinate Jordan’s Ambassador to London, Zeid Al Rifai’, blew up a West German electrical installation and a Dutch gas plant. Hijacking a Belgian Sabena airline,attacking Lod airport etc have been attributed to this organisation.But their most stunning attack was carried out on 5 September 1972.Identify.
A:The Black September.I guess many of u figured it out from the date.The Munich massacre of Israeli athletes occured on this date.But the group does not take its name from this date.September 1970,was the month when the Palestinian guerrillas were thrown out of Jordan by King Hussein and his PM.The arabs dubbed this event as "Black September"
6.The organisation was founded by a student named Renato Curcio at the University of Trento.Initially they broke into factory offices to support labourers who were opressed.In 1981,they kidnapped US Army Brigadier General James Dozier but he was later rescued.But their most spectacular attempt was the kidnapping and assasination of a former prime minister.Which organisation?
A:The Red Brigades of Italy also known as Brigatte Rosse.The PM who was kidnapped and murdered was Aldo Morro.
7.Sub-Commander Marcos is currently the most influential leader of this movement.This organisation is a much reformed version of its 1970's avatar.Infact there is even a talk of them contesting the next elections with Marcos himself changing his name to "Delegate Zero".Which organisation/movement?
A:The Zapatistas of Mexico or Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN)They are named after Emiliano Zapata who fought for land reforms in Mexico during the Mexican revolution.More recently they have given up violence and might join politics.
8.The Euskadi Ta Askatasuna is an organisation committed to the liberation of _______?
A:Euskadi Ta Askatasuna abbreviates as ETA.They are the people who wish to seperate Basque from Spain.
9.In 2000, the organization changed its name to Aleph (the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet).Its earlier name roughly translated into Supreme truth.Identify.
A:Aum Shinri Kyo,the Japanese cult founded by Shoko Asahare.They were responsible for the Sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subway.Aum is supposed to be derived from the Sanskrit word Om.
10.He was one of the foremost anti-communist leaders in Africa,waging war on a Soviet supported Marxist Government.His friends called him "The Black Cockerel" . Ronald Reagen described him as a "freedom fighter" and he was personally invited to the White House.His organisation received generous assistance from the CIA,but its power was based more on the sale of diamonds, mined in the country and smuggled out("conflict diamonds").Identify this leader and his organisation whose wars have ravaged an African country.
A:Jonas Savimbi of UNITA.The country is Angola.He died a few years back.
I guess that covers pretty much every part of the globe.I skipped Al Quaeda and Laden coz it would be way too obvious/cliched.
Hope you guys enjoyed the quiz!Will come up with something new pretty soon!!
"I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. Just my enemies."-Michael Corleone
Rahul Narayan-10
Abhirup Ganguly-2
Kaushik Sriram-8(thanx for the comments!)
Husain Poonawala-4
Pranav Wankawala-Thanx for the response.
Justin Thomas Panachakel-Thanx for the response
abraham karimpanal-4
ananthakrishnan ganapathy-7
rahul/rajasekhar,GEC thrissur-9(great explanations for each answer!!)
Vijay BDL-7.5(.5 for figuring out Aum and missing Shinrikyo!)
Rajesh Mohan-3
arun warrier-5
Srikrishnan A Iyer-6
aji n-6
Satish Viswanathan-3(Charles Taylor was a good try on Q10)
Naseer Ahmed-10
jyotirmoy Bhattacharjee-8
Shekhar Menon-4.5(.5 for mentioning "the group that kidnapped israeli athletes")
Shreyas Joshi-2
Arun A.S.-5
Jaideep Kumar-10(admits to have done a "fair bit of googling"..thanx for the declaration and comments!)
Mihir Shah(elmihiro)-8
Roshith-2(given points for mentioning "Shoko Asahara's cult")
Jeevan D-10
Sadashiv-2.5(IRA was a good guess on Q7Thanx a lot for the comments)
Abid E.H.-6
Atul V Nath-4.5(.5 for mentioning the group in Philippines on Q2)
Praveen V R-3.5(.5 for mentioning "the guys who killed Aldo Morro)
Anil Raghavan-10
Tuppence aka Prudence_beresford-2
Mahesh Sharma-9(thanx mate!)
Bhaskara Rao-5
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